
The Mystical Menace of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - article by Daniel Pipes

Great article by Daniel Pipes of the New York Sun | A MUST READ NOW

Assad: We’ll liberate Golan Heights

News from Israel, Ynetnews



Buoyed Hezbollah see outcome a victory. . .

BBC NEWS Buoyed Hezbollah plans next move

You gotta see this...

. . .it really made my day. Hassan Nasrallah

But, I find his views on Israel and the Jews, courtesy of Wikipedia are a bit more revealing:

Views on Israel
Speaking at a graduation ceremony in Haret Hreik, Nasrallah announced on October 22, 2002: "if they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."[7][8] The New York Times qualifies this as "genocidal thinking"[9], whereas the New York Sun likens it to the 1992 Hezbollah statement, which vowed, "It is an open war until the elimination of Israel and until the death of the last Jew on earth."[10] Michael Rubin qualifies his goal as genocide too, quoting Nasrallah ruling out "co-existence with" the Jews or "peace", as "they are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment."[11] The Age quotes him like so: "There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel."[12]
Despite declaring "death to Israel" in his public appearances, Nasrallah said in an interview to The New Yorker, "at the end of the road no one can go to war on behalf of the Palestinians, even if that one is not in agreement with what the Palestinians agreed on." [13] When asked whether he was prepared to live with a two-state settlement between Israel and Palestine, he said he would not sabotage what is a Palestinian matter. [14].
In another interview with the Washington Post, Nasrallah said "I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called "Israel." I consider its presence both unjust and unlawful. That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it; Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle." [15].

Views on Jews
The scholar Amal Saad-Ghorayeb quotes Nasrallah describing his view of Jews: "If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli". [16]
"Jews invented the legend of the Holocaust," said Nasrallah on April 9, 2000. During another appearance on Al-Manar on February 23, Nasrallah praised a leading European Holocaust denier, David Irving, for having “denied the existence of gas chambers.” [17]

Sounds a bit Hitlerish to me.

Cease Fire?

The fragile cease fire seems to be holding as Israeli guns and it would appear, Hezbollah rockets are silent at this hour.
As life along the border towns return to normal the Israeli populace is less than optimistic about whether or not they have heard the last from radical Islamic terrorists.

Voice of America


Article by Rabbi Kalmon Packouz

A must read article to gain perspective on what exactly was and is happening to Israel!



Aug. 11: An Israeli soldier looks on as a tank returns into Israel after operations in southern Lebanon.

AP Photo/Fox News

FOXNews.com - Hezbollah Leader Accepts U.N. Cease-Fire But Vows to Fight - The Mideast

FOXNews.com - Hezbollah Leader Accepts U.N. Cease-Fire But Vows to Fight - The Mideast

Your Universal ID is Waiting

FOXNews.com - Fingerprints Replacing Credit Cards at Retail Stores - Patents and Innovation

My advise: DO NOT allow anyone to scan your prints or retinas for buying or selling. Use cash or checks and start buying a little gold on the side, just in case.



U.N. Security Council Approves Cease-Fire Resolution

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

U.N. Security Council Approves Cease-Fire Resolution



DEBKAfile - A High-Stakes Gamble or a Turning Point in the Lebanon War

Newest Wave of Terror

Telegraph News Middle-class and British: the Muslims in plots to bomb jets

Photo Fraud in Lebanon

I get my news from FOX, because I enjoy hearing the truth about what's going on in the world. Case in point:

Photo Fraud in Lebanon


"Emerging Church" read as "New Age" or "One World"

See Will the "Emerging Church" Submerge Your Church? by Jan Markell

Here's was I read in Wikipedia on New Age : {points in bold are my added emphases}

New Agers believe they do not contradict traditional belief systems, but rather some of them say that they are concerned with the ultimate truths contained within those systems, separating these truths from false tradition and dogma. On the other hand, adherents of other religions often claim that the New Age movement has a vague or superficial understanding of these religious concepts, leaving out that which may seem "negative" or contradict contemporary Western values and that New Age attempts at religious syncretism are vague and self-contradictory. Some people within the New Age movement claim a particular interest in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, and Taoism — however eclectic or in-depth such an interest may be depends arbitrarily upon each individual's pursuit and focus.

New Age is syncretic in nature and has roots as a counter-cultural phenomenon. Thus New Age adherents tend to emphasize a relativist approach to truth, often referring to the Vedic statement of "one truth, but many paths," the mainstay of Hinduism, which idea is also found in the later Zen Buddhist spiritual dictum of "many paths, one mountain". This belief is not only an assertion of personal choice in spiritual matters, but also an assertion that truth itself is defined by the individual and his or her experience of it.

. . .

The New Age worldview typically involves a mysticism-based (rather than experiment-and-theory-based) view of describing and controlling the external world; for example, one might believe that tarot card reading works because of the "interconnectedness principle", rather than regarding the success (or failure) of tarot card reading as evidence of the interconnectedness principle. The various New Age vitalist theories of health and disease provide further examples
Some New Age practices and beliefs could make use of what British anthropologist Sir James George Frazer termed magical thinking, in The Golden Bough (1890). Common examples are the principle that objects once in contact maintain a practical link, or that objects that have similar properties exert an effect on each other.
. . .

The emphasis on subjective knowledge and experience is a connection between New Age beliefs and postmodernism. The shift to a feeling of control over one's expression of spirituality reflects a trend towards personal responsibility, as well as personal empowerment. Its populist origins help characterize the New Age approach. This emphasizes an individual's choice in spiritual matters; the role of personal intuition and experience over societally sanctioned expert opinion and an experiential definition of reality.


Teleology: "Teleology (Greek telos, 'end'; logos, 'discourse'), in philosophy, the science or doctrine that attempts to explain the universe in terms of ends or final causes. Teleology is based on the proposition that the universe has design and purpose. In Aristotelian philosophy, the explanation of, or justification for, a phenomenon or process is to be found not only in the immediate purpose or cause, but also in the 'final cause'—the reason for which the phenomenon exists or was created. In Christian theology, teleology represents a basic argument for the existence of God, in that the order and efficiency of the natural world seem not to be accidental. If the world design is intelligent, an ultimate Designer must exist.
Teleologists oppose mechanistic interpretations of the universe that rely solely on organic development or natural causation. The powerful impact of Charles Darwin's theories of evolution, which hold that species develop by natural selection, has greatly reduced the influence of traditional teleological arguments. Nonetheless, such arguments were still advanced by many during the upsurge of creationist sentiment in the early 1980s."



GOD The Father CHOSE Jerusalem (II Chronicles 6:6).
GOD The Son CRIED over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41).
GOD The Holy Spirit CONFIRMED His Word in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4 & Acts 2:1-5).
With these few thoughts from Holy Writ, do you 'wonder' why we find in Psalm 122:6,
In case you would like the pronunciation of these words in Hebrew,


The beginning word, 'SHA-ALU' means 'TO ASK', that is, ask The Owner, Protector and Redeemer of The City of Jerusalem, that He would bring Shalom (Peace) to the Place, the People, through The Prince of Peace (Our LORD Jesus Christ) !
Why should you "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem", and what benefit is there in so doing ?
First of all as we complete the reading of Psalm 122:6, we find that The LORD has promised, that (you and I) shall "prosper" that love thee (Jerusalem).
The Hebrew word for 'Prosper' is SHALAV ( to be at rest ) !!!
How marvellous is our recompense as we 'faithfully' remember to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem".
Some misguided people actually pray for the peace of Jerusalem, thinking that they will 'PROSPER' in areas other than being at 'rest', that is, perhaps, financially, economically, materially, etc., and when they don't, they STOP praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and sometimes they even are bitter at The LORD and His Word, to the extent of becoming demeaning towards Jerusalem, Israel.
Courtesy of Shalom Scripture Studies, Inc.
P.O. Box 60580
Savannah, GA 31420

Jeremiah 8:15~ "We looked for peace, and no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!"